Focusing was developed/discovered by Eugene Gendlin resulting from research which concluded that those who benefited most from therapy were clients who were able to be in touch with their bodies. In other words, those who had a “felt sense” which they were able to connect with.

This felt sense may come in the forms of feelings in the body, images in the mind, or words that come to mind which can be described. They can come unbidden during therapy and lead to connections being made leading to a “felt shift” or an “ah ha” moment, when something suddenly pieces together and leads to a better understanding.

Focusing involves a few moments of quiet with clients eyes closed or relaxed, and being guided through getting in touch with their body and mind rather than conscious thoughts and feelings, giving them time and space. This is particularly useful for clients who experience difficulty expressing themselves, or for those who want to reconnect, or deepen their connection, with their body. Helen with her mindfulness training uses this with clients frequently to help them reconnect and get a sense of what is going for them.