We value your feedback. This will be used to improve the service for others. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Counsellor Name *This allows us to provide overall feedback to individual counsellors.Counsellor - How would you rate their professional manner?LowModerateGoodVery GoodNot Relevant/Don't KnowCounsellor - How would you rate their timeliness?LowModerateGoodVery GoodNot Relevant/Don't KnowEach session is 50 - 60 minutes. Did sessions start on time or overrun?Counsellor - How would you rate their listening?LowModerateGoodVery GoodNot Relevant/Don't KnowDid you feel you could fully express what you were feeling?Counsellor - How would you rate their empathy?LowModerateGoodVery GoodNot Relevant/Don't KnowDid your counsellor make you feel fully understood? Counsellor - How would you rate their knowledge?LowModerateGoodVery GoodNot Relevant/Don't KnowWas the counsellor able to provide information to help you better understand yourself? Or were they able to highlight services that you could use?Organisation - How would you rate their professionalism?LowModerateGoodVery GoodNot Relevant/Don't KnowOrganisation - How would you rate R2T's timeliness of responses?LowModerateGoodVery GoodNot Relevant/Don't KnowDid someone contact you within 48 hrs of queries?Organisation - How would you rate R2T's proficiency?LowModerateGoodVery GoodNot Relevant/Don't KnowDid they inspire you with confidence? Did you feel more at ease with going to therapy?Organisation - EmpathyLowModerateGoodVery GoodNot Relevant/Don't KnowDid you feel understood? That the service was going to support you with your needs?Organisation - Providing InformationLowModerateGoodVery GoodNot Relevant/Don't KnowSometimes R2T may suggest further ways to help you after therapy. Such as support groups or peer mentor groups. Were they able to offer this information or find it for you?Are there any comments you would like to make?Is there a quote you would allow us to use in public material?As Jersey is a small island and for your anonymity there is no identifying information submitted to us within any of this form.Submit